Custom Post - Full category in breadcrumbs

I have a custom post type “Servicios”. It has a hierarchical custom taxonomy “categorie-servicios”.

Bricks breadcrumbs show: Home → Servicios → Post title
Rank math breadcrumb show: Home → Servicios → Category → Sub Category → Post title

Any chance to include category and subcategory in Bricks native breadcrumbs?


I have the same requirments, I have a CPT and custom categories and the breadcrumb shows only the post type name

Is there a solution to this by now? I can neither see any in the builder options nor does it display correctly.

The solution here does not work for the blog post archives with categories.

I added some functionality to be able to display the post type and category for the breadcrumbs.

function get_display_post_type() {
    global $post;
    $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post));
    if ($post_type) {
        return $post_type->labels->singular_name;
    return '';

function get_all_parent_categories() {
    $categories = get_the_category(); 
    $parent_categories = array();

    if (!empty($categories)) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            if ($category->parent) {
                $parent_category = get_category($category->parent);
                $parent_categories[] = $parent_category->name;

    if (!empty($parent_categories)) {
        return implode('/ ', $parent_categories);
    } else {
        return '';

And here’s how I use them


Hope this helps you too

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