CSS Variable Manager (Bug/Improvement)

Greetings - There were a couple things of notice with the new variable manager.

1.) The variable picker is missing from a few of the inputs. I didnt check all of them but I did notice it was missing from the grid areas. (Photo attached)

2.) Once the variable picker is opened it is very squished. Since the variables cannot be edited from the picker itself and there is an icon to go to the manager to edit if needed, it seems to make more sense to give breathing room for the titles to fully display and maybe remove the value from displaying in just the picker. Or if it their is a preview of the value their, it doesn’t dominate the input over the title. (Photo attached)

3.) Within the variable picker drop down, can you apply a preview of the variable on hover?

4.) The picker itself requires quite a bit of scrolling to get down to some variables. Is it possible to enable an option to expand the picker to occupy the whole height and width of the panel? So it either sits over the whole panel or pops up in a modal of some kind to avoid scrolling?

Great addition to bring this feature. Thanks for the consideration!


To prevent having to add such long clamp functions, it would be fantastic if the bricks team could add support for clamp functions, so we only need to enter the min and max value. Min and Max width for the function could be defined in the bricks settings somewhere.


Was coming to report the same “1.) The variable picker is missing from a few of the inputs. I didn’t check all of them but I did notice it was missing from the grid areas.”

I didn’t realize this had been reported a day earlier than mine (I recognized #1 as a bug rather than a feature), but for proper linking, here is my post on the missing fields in different areas I had noticed: WIP: Variable picker missing on some fields

Were these suggestions and feedback valid? Its hard to be enthusiastic about participating in this forum or spending time engaging when Bricks doesn’t even acknowledge the post.

You generally won’t get replies from the Bricks team for new feature suggestions, only for bug reports if they need more info (or support tickets). TBH we do the same at BricksExtras, it’s unmanageable to respond to every feature suggestion as there’s so many (and you can only really respond - “Good idea, will look into it” when it comes to ideas about undeveloped features). I expect it’ll be the same reason here.