Creating valueless custom conditionals

Bricks has custom conditions with logic like “Is empty”. When that is selected, the value field disappears.

I’ve tried to figure out how that works by reading conditions.php. But nothing I’ve tried has worked.

What’s the trick? Anyone know of a tutorial for this?

There’s not a trick for it. If you have a custom ACF field, say it’s key is named some_field if your condition checks for the presence of a value i.e. is not empty then it will return true. is_empty is_not_empty checks for the presence of a string value (or not) depending on your conditional.

I should have been clearer. I want to create my own version of ‘is empty’ in a custom condition. But I don’t know how to get rid of the extra field.

Many of the comparisons have 3 fields: field, comparison, value. ‘Is empty’ doesn’t have a value because it doesn’t need it. How do I do that in my custom comparisons?