Create a customized widget (element) using section model as template

Hi Bricks community !

I am trying to achieve something here, there may be easier solutions and if you have one, I’m open to try it :slight_smile:

Here goes my explanation;

I would like to create a customized card-type element that my client may be able to add at will throughout the site and simply change the content.

Therefore I have created a section model of a typical card containing a title , description texts and all the necessary CSS.
I have also managed to add a new element called “my-widget” in my element list, containing several fields, corresponding to the fields of my card-type model.

I am now stuck at the step where “my-widget” takes on the style of the model by default. Should I proceed using classes ?

Note that each added “my-widget” should have customizable content and that any changes in style of said widget (except height, width) should happen in the “card-type-model”.

Thank you in advance for your kind help !

Have a great day
