Copy & Paste Style Actions

Since version 1.11.1 and also now in version 1.12 the icons in the paste buttons are missing.
So I can copy styles, but I can NOT paste them due to missing icons on paste button.

It was working on 1.11 or 1.10 (not sure) latest.

The screenshot is from today v1.12

Any ideas why it disappeared?
I hoped it will come back with v1.12, but did not.

Hi Joachim,
Thanks so much for your report!

According to the 1.12 changelog, the icons only show up once something has been copied. I tested it to ensure thereā€™s no issue, and itā€™s working as expected.

Best regards,

Hey Timmse,

When did it change to differentiate between copy/paste classes and styles?
I checked the changelog now for versions since v1.11 and could not find any note on this?
Also, not on Academy pages, see details below.

And one more thing to understand:
If there is an element which has ID-Styles and Classes, in the past I only needed to copy Styles and paste styles to put it on another element.

With the differentiation between copy Styles and Classes, I must do copy/paste twice to first copy/paste ID-Styles and then copy/paste Classes?

I just want to understand this correctly, that there is no need to ask any further questions on this topic.

Best regards,

Watch the excerpts and links that I refer to in my message above:

v1.12 only says that there are 2 new options:

Context menu: Copy and paste attributes & classes

The context menu contains two more copy & paste action icons for that let you copy & paste all attributes & classes defined on an element. The respective icons only appear if the element contains any attributes and/or classes.

Styles has been always ID styles and classes (my last knowledge).
See here the article from 2021 in Academy:

Copy & Paste Styles

To copy & paste block styles hover over the blocksā€™ action icons, and right-click to reveal the custom context menu. Click on Copy Styles.

Then hover over the action icons of the block you want to apply those copied styles to, right-click, and select Paste Styles.

Changelog for 1.11.1 said only:
Copy & paste styles betwen element ID & global class and vice versa

This content for context-menu is from 2021:

Version 1.11 changelog does not tell it, it only says:

New in-builder productivity features

We redesigned the in-builder context menu for more copy-and-paste actions, such as copy-and-paste element conditions and interactions.

Hi Joachim,
Thanks for the additional information!

I initially thought that copy and paste didnā€™t work for you - but your point is that you were previously able to copy and paste ID styles and classes together.

It is correct that this was the previous functionality. However, we have decided to split this functionality.

We have received very little feedback on this so far, so we assume that the new options are ok for most users (if you want to copy everything, itā€™s two clicks more than usual - if you only want ID styles or only classes, two clicks less). Should this change, we will consider how we can accommodate all actions (which all have advantages and disadvantages) without cluttering the UI.

As this is not a bug, I am moving the thread to the improvements category.
Letā€™s see if we get more feedback on this :v:

Hey Timmse,

Maybe the copy + paste can be enhanced:

Currently, it shows a green message ā€œaway in the middleā€ if there is nothing to copy because there is no class or there are no styles in the element.

What about deactivating or blurring out the appropriate copy class and copy style icon in combination with a hover message that shows ā€œno class in element" or ā€œno style in elementā€, the same message at least that appears in the middle of the screen.

Why am I writing this?
Because I oversaw the message several times because on big screens, I did not expect to see a message in the middle of the screen for unavailable copy/paste.

Yes, I know, how the messages are shown is congruent with other messages. But is difficult to follow it when you just copy/paste.

I donā€™t want to further complicate it, but it is not a good experience from my point.
Just think about it, and maybe your team has better ideas to make it a better experience.

Thanx :slight_smile: