Am I missing something, is this built in as I’ve not seen anything about it?
Am I missing something, is this built in as I’ve not seen anything about it?
bumping up this post
I think you can do that with interactions. Any element like a pop up can close (hide element) through a selector. Check out the interactions/pop up tutorial to get some ideas.
I did check that out dude but couldn’t see how you set any clicks to be ‘outside’ the popup?
It’s pretty usual stuff, so pretty shocked it wasn’t an option built in to be fair…
I’m not sure I see what the problem is here? When you click outside the popup, it automatically closes. This is default bricks popup behavior.
If you could record a short video showing what you feel is not working as expected, that would be very helpful to those trying to help.
Oh, does it? I’ve used it on two client sites so far and both times clicking outside doesn’t close the pop-up and they’ve both mentioned it to me.
Upon going into the builder I couldn’t see anything in there or find anything online. If it’s something unique to my installs I’m happy to share, but I’ve not done anything untoward that I’m aware of.
I managed to work out adding an X and getting that to close, and also wrote some fast and simple JS to close the popup by clicking outside it
Yeah, I second guessed it when I saw this post and had to go try it myself.
I think there are no settings because it just does that by default. I wonder if there’s some conflicting JS causing an error.
I’m glad you figured out a workaround but any chance you’re able to share a link to a page that still has the issue? Maybe we can figure out why and then you won’t need the workaround.
Of course website is
I wonder if it’s related to WP Search I am using now, the modal popup one
It seems like your popup is way larger than it appears to be.
Could you maybe post a picture of how you structured your pop-up?
Yup, Dennis is right. It looks like you sized your popup using the section sizing rather than the popup settings.
I bet if you removed the sizing on the section and added your sizing in the popup settings instead it’ll resolve your problem.
Thanks both. Good spot, hadn’t realised that was even a thing to be honest - I was just using ACSS variables for widths on all Bricks sections but it must have added it to that and not the actual pop itself…
Adjusted and it seems better, but clicking over the top of the menu still won’t close it - I presume that’s a z-index thing with the area used to close the popup maybe.
Hmm, looks like there’s now an absolutely positioned codeblock inside your section that’s in the way. You probably want to position it off screen with maybe a “left: -100%;” or “left: -9999px;”
Thanks for this, you we re right. I used a template from another page and that was in the template, completely passed me by it would have any effect on the pop-up and that it was even there to be honest!
Thanks for taking a look at this as you’re right, it seems I was mistaken on the popup closing aspects!