Clean portfolio website for a visual/fine artist

My client is still working on filling the website with her work but I’m as good as done with all the (theme) design! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Demo website is currently up at

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It’s subtle enough, but I do feel the flow of the website strategy could use some work. What I mean is, when one arrives at a website you should get a feeling of direction, so you’re not left with the feeling of not being sure what to do or where to go.

That is easily fixed with certain patterns and habits that repeat itself in most front-page scenarios. “The 10k Website Process” by Ran Segall goes over these kinds of things if you’re looking for a way to bundle your thoughts on such things.

P.s. each time my eye scans past your URL in a flash I think it says “bimboland” until I reread it :stuck_out_tongue:

Thx Joe!

I totally agree, the landing is far from great but my client insisted on having an empty page that she can fill in depending on what new work there is to show. I did tell her that it’d be better to have things on there that the visitor can at least click on, like the last blog / news article / work etc. but alas this is what she wished for.

Initially, it was one picture with a caption, nowhere to click or anything… So her putting up more pics and having at least some kind of call to action (the “news” button at the bottom, which wasn’t even linked at first :disguised_face:) is progress I guess haha.

Yeah, the “artsy” type can be either a breeze or a complete horror to work with. I always try to explain that creativity should not be too prevalent in the way a website flows, this is primarily focused on communicating what it is you want the visitor to take away from a visit. Let your artwork be creative part, and make sure the way you communicate it, is crystal clear.

Anyway, something like this (actually a bad example since it also needs a lot of work still) already has more of a direction. But, again, artist types can be stubborn — which is next to budget why I try to avoid them these days. So I can relate to the possible struggles you’re experiencing :slight_smile:

The whole project was a struggle for the both of us but I’m actually satisfied with the end result.
The various archive/post/page templates all turned out the way I wanted so I’m happy with the overall result, also considering this was my first Bricks project!