Change overflow style to dropdown

In v.1.3.7, overflow was added to the builder UI so that one doesn’t need to always write custom CSS for this (very nice). However, it’s just a plain text field…would be much better to make it a dropdown like the “position” or “display” controls…this would avoid accidental typos like “hiddem”.


Hi Eric,

Overflow is a shorthand property for the following CSS properties: overflow-x | overflow-y
So it allows to insert multiple values, e.g. scroll hidden at the same time.

There are 6 possible values: visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto | overlay

As I said before, I was never good at math, but this would be one hell of a long dropdown list if we allow all possible combinations :wink:

Best regards,

Agreed! Or even icons like Webflow (for quick access)

CleanShot 2022-02-04 at 13.41.01@2x


Fair enough. I was thinking that this property is for both X and Y axis (which is usually how I use overflow). How about keep the 6 values in the dropdown, add a checkbox “set overflow for each axis separately?” and if checked display instead 2 dropdowns for each axis.

Not a huge deal, and there are far more important items on my request list, but this would improve the UI IMO.

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Clutch make this easy


Yes please, current system is a bit prehistoric.

What about spliting into overflow-x and overflow-y with radio buttons?

That’s a really nice solution to the problem here!

Have you seen the above video clip @timmse?