Carousel Element: how to display current/total number of slides?

Is it possible to display the current/total number of slides for the carousel? Something like 2/20… TIA.

Hi Goran,

unfortunately not. With the carousel it is generally difficult to display the item count correctly, because you can have several items per view.

Best regards,

Thanks for your time. Can you give me an idea how to achieve slideshow like this:

Best regards,


only without the counter:

Settings for prev arrow
top: calc(100% - 25px) /*px value half of height */
right: 0px

Settings for next arrow
top: calc(100% - 25px) /*px value half of height /
right: 50px /
equals width */

Best regards,

Thanks, I’ve managed that… Design request is with counter… :smirk: Weird thing is that I can’t find a solution in Elementor also (without expansive plugins :slight_smile: ). Must find some swiper.js expert…

Best regards,