-Can't implement Icon Control to Custom Element

Using this documentation, I am attempting to implement an icon on my element. However, I cannot get use the render_control_icon method of the Helpers class. It keeps telling me the Helpers class.

Helpers::render_control_icon( $settings['exampleIcon'], ['test-class', 'test-class-2'] );

I receive the following error

Uncaught Error: Class "Helpers" not found in wp-content/themes/bricks-child-2/elements/currenttestelement.php

Is there something I am missing or not understanding?

Ye, the docs are a bit hit and miss. A lot has changed in Bricks since 2022, you’ll find you have to do a lot of reading through the theme code.


self::render_icon( $this->settings['exampleIcon'], ['test-class'] );

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There should definitely be an update to some of the documentation