Can't change the lightbox background color and no option to show images full screen

Hi there.

I went all in on bricks builder. I realy like it so far. I am recreating an elementor website with bricks builder. So far it is going all very easy. But I run into a little problem that has to do with the lightbox.

I am using the Dynamic Field element to pull in data from the gallery of a custom post type created with jet elemtens. It’s pulling the images like it should and the gallery is working as it should. When I click on a image it is showing in the lightbox. Is there a way to adjust the background overlay color or opacity? Out of the box it is set to 0.8 opacity, but I am not able to change it. I can’t do it in settings > theme style > General > lightbox. The color that I select there is not showing on the front end. Is there another way to achieve this?
I also have a second question. Is there a way to view the images from the gallery in full screen? The ligthbox is only showing a large version of the picture, but there is no way to show it full screen, or is there?

Kind regards,
Koen Kerkvliet

I have the same problem…

Hi! There are some generic lightbox settings if you go to “Lightbox” under “General” in “Page Settings” where you’ll be able to change the background for instance, but it’s not the most flexible at the moment if you’re JUST using the builder interface to edit it. If you want full flexibility it’s best to use a third party lightbox. I’ve used Dimbox before and it was pretty easy :slight_smile: