Bricks shortcut for view on frontend - Ctrl + Shift + V

In Bricks 1.9.8 now Preview mode and view on frontend are both different buttons at the top bar.

Bricks introduced a shortcut for view on frontend which is Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + V. This shortcut is a bit annoying because the same shortcut is used to paste content without styling. I don’t know about Mac or Linux but in Windows OS it is used to paste content only with no styling.

This shortcut should be changed, because whenever I try to paste content and press Ctrl + Shift + V it opens the preview mode on the frontend.

I would appreciate it if you consider this improvement.


Don’t you mean CMD/CTRL + Shift + V?

But I agree. Hopefully it’s just an oversight.

Yes. I mean CMD/CTRL + shift + V

Fully agree! I was surprised to see the new update hijacking an existing shortcut, especially a common shortcut

I too am finding this frustrating. I now can’t do the normal ‘paste without styles’ shortcut which I use regularly to ensure text is clean of any extra HTML.

Was going to post about this as well. It is frustratingly annoying as pasting without formatting is a personally habit whenever I paste text from other sources into WordPress.

However, we can’t use Ctrl + Shift + R as well as that is the shortcut key for the browser hard reload. Perhaps Ctrl + Shift + F instead.

@timmse Please do reconsider updating this shortcut keys.

Thought it was just me! Same issue here too.

Hi everyone,

We appreciate your feedback regarding the view on frontend shortcut conflict.

If you have any suggestions for a more suitable shortcut, please feel free to share them here.

This is already in use (search element settings).

Ctrl + Alt + F will be fine

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