only if global class system was copying the attributes too that would solve your idea
but I like it I will try that idea.
your idea is like making gsap animations similar to tailwind
as long as class namings are not ugly like tailwinds
x - Horizontal translation
Usage: x-100 for 100 pixels to the right, x--100 for 100 pixels to the left.
Example: <div class="animate x-100">Content</div>
y - Vertical translation
Usage: y-50 for 50 pixels down, y--50 for 50 pixels up.
Example: <div class="animate y-50">Content</div>
o - Opacity
Usage: o-1 for full opacity, o-0 for transparent.
Example: <div class="animate o-0.5">Content</div>
r - Rotation
Usage: r-180 for 180 degrees clockwise, r--45 for 45 degrees counter-clockwise.
Example: <div class="animate r-90">Content</div>
s - Scale
Usage: s-1.5 for scaling up by 1.5 times, s-0.5 for scaling down by half.
Example: <div class="animate s-2">Content</div>
Yes, that’s a good idea and agree, class naming is not ugly. Lets keep things as clean as possible.
I was thinking something even simpler:
For example, rather than having to apply a class to every element in the builder. Maybe at a global level I want to apply animation ‘y:100, o:0’ to every element that has the class ‘brxe-heading’
for that this needs to become like a plugin or something. I dont want that. that makes it complicated.
here check the class test
it has bugs tho need to think about those bugs same bugs happens on attributes system too. still thinking about it
most of the features are fine. only pinning problem and pinning related combined animations.
when I fix this pinning too it will be perfect. I have other settings for child theme I will implement couple more idea to it.
Do you manually update the child theme on all your client sites when using something like this? Or do you have some sort of automated update script?
2 new feature Is added and they are pretty big.
-FEATURE 1: block editor / site editor support added now you can create your block editor styles. colors, fonts , sizes, spaces, block defaults… etc.
this is not for replacing the template system always use the bricks template system only this is only for block editor default styles when you need it.
to open block editor default styles: click Editor → Templates → Index → Click On the Page Itself → and after that click on Styles Icon
now you can edit all your block editor and block defaults.
YES YES bricks already has custom code element but after the update we can all probably agree Signing become a headache and annoying
that is why I added this new element to this child theme
it only supports HTML tags, style tag or script tag. Just simple HTML stuff. Your embed code, map embed, social media embed now all of them single click away and single copy/paste away.
custom field feature almost ready making some stability test and will add couple more setting for post editor side like showing 2 column 3 column for better editing experience.
repeater works fine with gallery, slider
media field outputs as id works fine with image element or other fields because it is outputing id
I removed that feature and made a video about it too
I will support the site editor-blcok editor styles from the json file syncing with bricks styles probably. still thinking about it. what is the good long term plan