Bricks AJAX Pagination (Infinite scroll) and Open Lite Speed Cache

I use Bricks Builder with Open Lite Speed Cache (Web Server and WordPress Plugin).
My environment is:
PHP: 8.2.x
WordPress: 6.6
Bricks Builder: 1.9.9 (Tested on 1.10 beta)
Open Lite Speed Cache Plugin: 6.2.1 (and Test on 6.3.0)

My problem is:

  • Pages are built with Bricks and I paginate with Bricks AJAX Pagination - Infinite scroll.
  • These pages load data well initially, but when on-scroll down, they do not continue to display pagination data. I have to Purge Cache of Open Lite Speed ​​for it to paginate on-scroll.
  • To fix this in Open Lite Speed ​​Cache Plugin version 6.2.1 I have to include the uris of pages with AJAX pagination using Bricks in the Open Lite Speed ​​Cache Non-Cache Exclude list: Litespeed Cache / Cache / [4 ] Excludes / Exclude Settings / Do Not Cache URIs → Input URIs: example: my-product-cate
  • In the new version 6.3 of Open Lite Speed ​​Cache Plugin, there is a new feature:

Cache Cache POST requests. Now can configure POST/GET AJAX requests to be cached. (#647300)

This configuration is located at: Litespeed Cache / Cache / [8] Advanced / Advanced Settings / AJAX Cache TTL

Instruction link of Open Lite Speed: Cache | Screen-by-Screen | LSCache for WordPress | LiteSpeed Documentation

So what do I need to do to optimize Bricks’ AJAX pagination with this version of Litespeed Cache 6.3?

Thanks :heart: