Blog post layout

Is it possible to copy this form of layout on my website? This website is:

Hi Jorn,

Yes of course, what’s the problem?

Best regards,

@timmse, I want to re-create this lay-out for my website but I can’t find a tutorial to do it. Can you maybe help me a little bit?

Its for


The easiest way is to use the posts element (layout grid, three columns).

A more advanced way is to use the newly introduced query loop, which is available in Bricks 1.3.7(beta). This gives you a lot more possibilities than the posts element. However, this could also be a bit more complicated for you. We will provide a video about it soon.

Best regards,

@timmse can you let me know when this video is done and where to find it? And will Bricks update to 1.3.7. automaticly of do I need to do this manually


I don’t know if you’ve seen this you tube video or not, but it’s a fairly useful video on the Query Builder functionality and how to use it.

There is also this one by the same guy, who builds a custom post layout.

@RisynOne Thanks for the effort, I watched the videos and they are very helpful. I just can’t find the way I’m looking for.