Any updates on Bricks 2.0?

Hi there,
we purchased a license last year for our new company homepage. We’re holding off for now because Bricks 2.0 was announced for release in Q1. To future-proof things, we’d really like to wait for the new version - our company sites tend to stay live for several years.

So, our question is: Any updates on the 2.0 release?

Thank you!

Hi Philipp,
Welcome to the forum!

There’s no need to wait to create your new website. Components are already available now, and you can find everything else planned in our Road to Bricks 2.0 article:

Best regards,

Thanks for your answer – I guess I misinterpreted the sentence in the article you mentioned, which reads: “With version 2.0 as the perfect milestone, we will introduce a few breaking changes we’ve been holding back on.” I was under the impression that homepages created with 1.x would not be able to be updated to 2.x because of these “breaking changes.” - good to know I’m fine :slight_smile:

“Breaking change” does not mean that sites built with 1.x no longer work, but that certain features, styles, etc. may be adapted in 2.0.

This type of change can generally occur in any version (and is mentioned accordingly in the changelog - see 1.5.1 example), so you may have to adapt your sites slightly - but not rebuild them from scratch :slight_smile: