Any experience with "Next Bricks"?

Hey :slight_smile:

I´m currently using Bricks and Bricksforge. I love both of them but unfortunately there are still 2 things I cannot do (or not do well enough) with these 2.

  • a very clean multi-level mobile menu with clean animations (I managed to somewhat get it right but it´s not very clean or pretty but very basic)
  • a vertical timeline that fills when the user scrolls (a client requested that on his website and I used a lot of Javascript and GSAP to achieve it and it´s still not great. It works on Desktop but on mobile I have an issue with the showing and hiding URL-bar which makes the timeline “jump”).

I really love the solutions from “Next Bricks”:

Plus the pricing seems very fair! 229$ for a lifetime sounds great to me, also compared to what other “plugins” cost.

I´m just not 100% sure about “Next Bricks” in general. I did some research but didn´t find a lot. Here on the forums I couldn´t find anything and I´d love to hear some thoughts from people who maybe use it already :slight_smile:

  • how stable is it?
  • how good is the performance? Does it slow down the site? also if you use it in combination with Bricksforge or other Bricks plugins?
  • are there any compatibility problems with Next Bricks and other plugins?

and ofc some thoughts in general :slight_smile: . I always like to keep my client sites as clean as possible and don´t like to use too many plugins but the vertical timeline from Crocoblock isn´t compatible with Bricks for example and other solutions sometimes don´t work well.

Thanks a lot already for your thoughts on “Next Bricks” :slight_smile:

This timeline?

Fancy Bricks

I have a subscription for Fancybricks, and their templates usually work quite well! However, the timeline isn’t functioning as smoothly as it could. It works, but it’s far from perfect. As I mentioned in my post, there’s a “jumping” issue with the timeline on mobile when the URL bar is either hidden or shown. The recalculation of the viewport height causes the timeline to jump.

Our company has already tried various solutions, and only a few worked perfectly, but those were for Elementor before we switched to Bricks.

That being said, this thread isn’t really about that issue, but rather about “Next Bricks” in general. I’d love to know if anyone has used it before and if they could share their experience with the product in terms of satisfaction, performance, compatibility, etc. :slightly_smiling_face:


By the way, I don’t have it jumping on mobile when the top bar moves up and hides away. Strange.