Alternative to Dynamic Tag?

  • I’ve made a dynamic tag that works {mytag} - uses a foreach function to get data.
  • Now I need to use this for 4 different conditions on my page.

Is calling {mytag} running x 4 ie everywhere where I have {mytag} - hence it’s running slow?

Is there a way to create it as a one time variable, not a dynamic variable? For instance just at it as a one time variable that can be reused. Similar to these options:

depends on how many call it is making on db
if the data is small its fine do it
but if it will become really big like over 10k or something dont do it

if possible simplify your dynamic tag depending on your condition needs

I guess this is a limitation, or perhaps say inefficiency, of bricksbuilder in general. The way I see it you should be able to create a page/condition variable and then reference that where needed rather than calling the same tag/function multiple times… Condtions should also allow for if else features. :frowning:

there are if else and or features

conditions have all the things you are talking about

with templates (soon components too) you can create dynamic referenced conditions too