Adding custom (Calendly, NeetoCal, etc.) calendar popup to Bricks?

So trying to add a custom popup for a scheduling calendar I have.

How does one go around to adding this? I’m trying to navigate adding this custom code popup to Bricks, but every single tutorial or guide I see is just to make popups, I don’t want to make my own custom popup I want to make this calendar below appear when I click on a button.

<!-- NeetoCal element-click embed code begins -->
  <script>window.neetoCal = window.neetoCal || { embed: function(){(neetoCal.q=neetoCal.q||[]).push(arguments)} };</script>
  <script async
      type: "elementClick",
      id: "XXXX",
      organization: "XXXX",
      elementSelector: "#open-popup-button",
  <!-- NeetoCal element-click embed code ends -->

Hoping someone can help me thanks.