Add variation swatches to products, woocommerce filter & query loop


It would be so good to have variation swatches (color, image, …) in woocommerce:
In Products,
And also in shop and category Filter
Add product_variation to the loop query

I see that previusely many people ask this, so kindly please add this to development stack :slight_smile:
It is necessary for a professional woocommerce website as you know.
Kind regards


Is it just me, but I do not see anyone answering variation questions for Bricks? I thought it would work right out of the box, like Divi, etc.

I’d love some swatches too, and many more of us would, for sure!

However the replies I’ve seen around here are basically just plugin recommendations :face_with_peeking_eye:

(Didn’t know Divi had that… The remaints of that theme still haunt me in by database) :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Not implemented yet, and I hope they implement it soon. Maybe in BricksBuilder v2 we can see more advanced Woocommerce features.
you can take a look at “bricks ultimate” and other plugins.

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