Add a filter when extracting dynamic data So that we can filter the dynamic data

Add filter when fetching dynamic data So that we can filter dynamic data: Date format to display date fetched from database using Date or Time meta fields. In the Format field, be able to set the date format;
The (localized) format date is the same as the previous one but displays the date which is already localized in the site language;

Format the number. If you want to display meta field data of numeric type, you can set its format using this callback. You can choose the appearance of the decimal point and thousands separator and set the number of numbers that will be displayed after the decimal point.


Related to that request, I’d be happy, if I could create custom dynamic data filters like :phone, which helps with ACF phone fields.

I want to show a phone number from an ACF options page like β€œ1234/1234 1234” on the frontend and link to it as β€œtel:123412341234” with everything except numbers stripped.
Creating the link using a custom coded filter :phone as β€œ{acf_option_phone:phone}” would be very convenient.

Any other suggestions?

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I agree! I have 100+ ACF fields with values of β€œ1234567”. It would be AMAZING to be able to display them on the front-end as: β€œ1,234,567”.