ACF Repeater - Post Object Type Sub-field Data

I have a ACF post type (groups) with a repeater field (group-posts).
That repeater field selects posts from the (resources) post types.
The (resources) post type has standard attributes (title, author, etc.) but also has ACF fields of its own such as an image (resource-page-img), text (resource-content) and video (resource-hero-video (this is a url)).

I currently have 3 queries set up (just for testing/getting my data how I want it):

[Groups] block having the query of my posts:

[Resources Repeater] block having the query of my repeater:

And my [Resource Post] block having the query of my repeater’s post object:

In my [Resource Post] block I’m then calling dynamic data for my (resources) posts - {Post Title}, {acf_resource-page-img}, {acf_resource-hero-video}.

This returns no data UNLESS the repeater field has ‘Select Multiple’ options ticked off as noted by @aslotta here: Query Loop - ACF Post Object Field

Am I just being dumb and there’s a better/easier way to do this? It’s not ideal that the field can actually have multiple posts, so I’d rather not enable that if I don’t have to.

I’m currently seeing this still in, maybe that update that was noted isn’t out yet?

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