So I’m developing a component that manipulates color value from javascript.
We can access this data with
$controls['test-color'] = [
'type' => 'color',
'label' => 'Test color',
'css' => [
'property' => 'background-color',
'selector' => '',
and later to use it in render with
$bgColor = isset($settings['test-color']) ? $settings['test-color'] : null;
And this variable is for us to store f.e in data- attribiute to later use inside our javascript for the given component.
Problem with classes
The issue in bricks is that if we store a setting for this color value inside class and not on the ID lvl there is no access to it (from what I know of). If we f.e copy the component JSON we’ll get smth like this:
"content": [
"id": "fd0d50",
"name": "new-widget",
"parent": 0,
"settings": {
"_cssGlobalClasses": [
"test-smth-here": true,
"test-color": {
"hex": "#e199f0"
"label": "Test"
"source": "bricksCopiedElements",
"sourceUrl": "http://localhost:10068",
"version": "1.9.2",
"globalClasses": [
"id": "nhxpij",
"name": "test-class",
"settings": {
"test-color": {
"hex": "#e199f0"
"globalElements": []
In this example the object inside content is our new widget for bricks we’re developing. We can see that there is test-color inside settings. That’s because it’s been declared on ID lvl. In this example it was also declared on class lvl where we created a “test-class” class and change the value of test-color there. The issue is that if we would remove the value from ID we dont’ have access to test-color value from within the widget we’re building because $this-settings would get us only this:
"settings": {
"_cssGlobalClasses": [
"test-smth-here": true,
To give user possibility to still use class-based approach without loosing our javascript functionality we have to get the value from the global class id we have listed inside _cssGlobalClasses array.
I created a helper function that does exactly that. Might be useful for you guys. Let me know what you think about it!
function getSettingCssValue($element, $setting)
// Return setting on ID lvl
if (isset($element->settings[$setting])) {
return $element->settings[$setting];
// Access the global classes and the elements global classes list
$globalClasses = \Bricks\Database::$global_data['globalClasses'];
$elementCssGlobalClasses = $element->settings['_cssGlobalClasses'];
// Filter the global classes to only include the ones that are in the elements global classes list
$filteredClasses = array_filter($globalClasses, function ($class) use ($elementCssGlobalClasses) {
return in_array($class['id'], $elementCssGlobalClasses);
$foundSetting = null;
if (count($filteredClasses) > 0) {
foreach ($filteredClasses as $class) {
if (isset($class['settings'][$setting])) {
$foundSetting = $class['settings'][$setting];
// Return the last found setting or null if none was found
return $foundSetting;
var_dump(getSettingCssValue($this, 'test-color'))