A couple of websites I made with Bricks in 2024 ⭐

Some of the sites I made in 2024 and their stories :slight_smile:

I made the agency buy the lifetime in 2023 but we actively started using bricks start of the 2024. (wpml support)

Almost all the websites from our agency are designed (figma) and developed from start to finish, usually. Sometimes other agencies come to us with ready designs, and we provide them with development support as well.

When I started using Bricks Builder last year, it wasn’t as strong and powerful as it is today. I appreciate how it has evolved into a better builder over time while staying true to its developer-friendly core values. :clap:

Hopefully, Bricks Builder retains this core soul indefinitely.
@thomas @Matej

Enough with the chit chat lets see my short list.

first I will start with my site lol

this year I plan to share more stuff on my site and my codex getting very very big as well.

This was partnered project with another agency and design was outsourced but development fully made by us (me).
I had great fun making this so many custom post types, custom fields, dynamic loops, and dynamic loop popup interactions :slight_smile:

I pushed bricks builders limits with this one for sure it was fun.

this is just acf + bricks thats it btw :sunglasses:

This website was a rebuild first it was made with ruby and rails who t f uses ruby rails for a website :smiley:
I would say ask the developer but the developer was lost and client needed to make some changes and easy publish flow ofcourse wordpress +bricks was the choice.

This is a nice pro bono site I made. There are some simple micro interactions I added to keep the site engaging.

This one took long long time to go live but it was one of the best projects.
Both design and animations.
There are so many motion.page gsap animations are used on this one. Check it out.

Simple one pager again with very simple and minimalist design with some interactions.

Nice strong design and some simple animations.

This is a partner agency site we make partnered projects with them all the time. This came out pretty nice as well strong typography and colors and animations. I like it.

When I first joined the agency many years ago this website was one the first projects I made maybe even the first one I make live.
BUT it was made with elementor first. I hated it because there were some interactions and elementor didnt have any features back then and had to use jetengine and I HATE jetengine because they split so many addon/plugin and they always create long term compatibility problems.

Thankfully this year I had some time to re-build it with bricks. Now it is light as a feather and works like a charm. NO PLUGIN again just bricks :slight_smile:

Clean design for a cleaning site :slight_smile:
There are some bricks interactions here and there thats it.

Again nice design simple corp website.
Zoom in for the header logo lottie animation on this one :wink:

I like svg animations a.k.a. lottie. I implement it whereever I can. Sometimes its not possible to get svg vector logo from client but when I do I like to atleast add a hover animation or make it lottie from it.

Very simple one pager for a event+show called Dinner in the Sky
The design was a bit better in the start but it got a bit weird later on with changes. It is what it is :slight_smile:

I will end with this one. This one designed by another agency I developed fully it took so much iterations and changes in time. But still I like it.
It come out nicely. green and black goes well together.

These are not the all sites I made this year. Just a fraction of it.
Maybe I share the rest of them later. We are crazy busy on the agency we rarely have time to even add these cases to our own site :rofl:

Oh and our site still elementor (damn it) hopefully I will solve that on 2025 :crossed_fingers:

This is our agency Geopard Digitale Kommunikations GmbH | LinkedIn

Whats next for me and bricks ?

Starting from Bricks 1.8 and later Gigantic features are released : Releases – Bricks

Up to the 1.9.1 WPML support I waited to use bricks on production and after that I never stoped even thinking for a moment. Because I knew bricks were amazing and that can solve anything because of the developer friendly way of core features.

After 1.9 release we got

  • WPML support
  • Form Save Submissions
  • Spam Protection
  • Tons of Hooks and Filters
  • AJAX Popup Render
  • Global Class Manager
  • Query Sort and Filter
  • Live Search
  • Tons of UI and UX improvements
  • CSS Variables
    and lot lot lot more…

well done @thomas again you and team made great work in 2024 :clap:

In 2025 I plan to use the global class and variable manager more :crossed_fingers:
I plan to use my own child-theme on prod in 2025 as well. GitHub - sinanisler/snn-brx-child-theme: SNN BRX - Advanced Bricks Builder Child Theme :crossed_fingers:

I plan to eliminate ACF completely with my child theme hopefully thats the ultimate goal :crossed_fingers:

I already developed the Custom Fields settings support with repeaters :slight_smile:
it works very well with bricks queries and galleries …etc

but theme needs lots of UI visual polishing. I might even add seo features too while I am at it :slight_smile:

TLDR for my 2025 plans

  • make more bricks sites
  • eliminate more plugins with snn child theme
  • have fun doing it :sunglasses:

Great sites! Specially like the sensified site.

You just got yourself a new repo watch/star on github because of the child theme modifications. I do mostly the same with my child theme but it never occurred to me to create a “Settings” menu. Maybe because I’m a cli type of guy.

Keep up the great work!

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thank you @h.udo

Check the feature list and new wiki Home · sinanisler/snn-brx-child-theme Wiki · GitHub

Getting ready for 2025

  • Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and Fields
  • Custom Color Maps Multi Locations Custom Icons for Free
  • SMTP settings
  • GSAP
  • Custom Design Login Pages
  • Security
    …etc list is too long

Just because there are plugins for everything doesnt mean we have to use it
Time to change this little bit :slight_smile:


You’ve been busy! Great additions! I might have to “steal” some of your code and improve my child theme.

how about you give me your codes :rofl: maybe there are some good ideas I want from it
create a issue and share on git

It’s basically your code. Making WordPress safer, locking the API, disable RSS and XML API, stuff not needed, etc. Just normal stuff.
Your code already covers my use cases and a lot more.
What I don’t have is a settings menu but I never felt the need for one. Like I said, I’m a CLI kind of guy. I always have an SSH session open while working.

But yes, If I see something I can help with I’ll surely open a PR.

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