2nd Bricks Site

Taking feedback :slight_smile:

2nd Bricks Site. I had to development this site really quickly. Loving how rapidly I can develop with Bricks over other builders.

Great Core Web Vital score too.


Good job! Site looks very clean.

Only remark I can make is that the google map covers the form in dekstop view. Not sure if it’s only for me. I attached a screenshot of the issue. Viewed on: Safari 16.1 - Ventura 13.0.1

Edit: only appears to be a safari issue, looks good on brave and firefox


Good pickup! I fixed that, just needed to wrap the Map in a Div.


This is a usability suggestion, but I absolutely expect a link at a section such as this. It’s a missed opportunity to basically list a CTA without enabling it. Both “book online” and “send us a question” should be links.


That’s great feedback. Thank you.

I have made that change.

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Me again. Additional suggestion for the same issue: instead of a single link, I would make each of them separate links to separate anchors on this page.

So a link to “book online”, and a separate link to “send us a message”, and then on the target page add an anchor to each heading. This way if a visitor wants to do either of those actions they’re taken directly to that section without any flow resistance.

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Got it. Thank you mate.

Nice work! Looks great!

Hey the site looks great. Nothing too fancy and it still looks amazing.



Love it Pixite! And a fellow Aussie as well :slight_smile: Looking forward to building some Elementor sites soon in Bricks!

Nice site. Only suggestion is that I would make the body text just a tad smaller. May I ask you how you got the blocks to overlap in the top hero section? I like how it looks and how it responds.

It uses a grid with a 6 grid layout. The first column set span 3, then the second column set span 4 and starts at 3rd col.


The site looks really clean and nice. :+1: :+1: :+1:

A little feedback.
The map on the appointment page is not draggable. When I zoomed the map, I couldn’t find the pinned location as I couldn’t drag.

Footer some items are center align ,some are left align but still not at left edge. Making all items at left edge and left align will look more better

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Good catch. If they really want to be centred, then make them centre aligned.

Hey @jornes,
What is the appointment system in this project?

Hi @hosi
I just checked they are using this.

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