WIP: New link type taxonomy not showing as current page in navigation

Thank you very much for adding “Terms” as a new link type. This is very handy for Woocommerce product categories. I’m using them in the navigation and think I’ve found a little bug.

The links added with the new link type don’t have the aria-current=“page” attribute when a user visits the taxonomy archive. However when I add the same link as a “Custom URL” the aria-current=“page” is added.

Example: these links link to the same woocommerce taxonomy archive. The first link uses the “Taxonomy (Term)” option, the second link the “Custom URL” option.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-04 um 10.22.32

Thank you for your help!
Kind regards,


I was able to reproduce the issue locally and I’ve added it to the internal bug tracker. We will update this thread one the issue is solved.

Thank you a lot for the report!

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