SOLVED: Hovering on accordion doesn't activate hover effect of both icon and title

Bricks Version: 1.3.4
Browser: Chrome 94
OS: Windows 10

Hovering effect on accordion isn’t applied for both the icon and the title at the same time.


It´s very similar to the Button + Icon Hover problem.

You can temporarily fix that with custom css until this is (really) fixed:

root .accordion-title .icon,
root .accordion-title .bricks-heading {
  color: red;

root .accordion-title:hover .icon,
root .accordion-title:hover .bricks-heading {
  color: blue;
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Hey! Thank you for your timely reply

Hi Ahmed,

good news! The bug has been fixed in Bricks 1.3.5. If you still have problems with it, feel free to let us know in this post.

Best regards,