WIP: Dynamic Tags Require Linked Images in Loops (Crazy bug)

Bricks bug: Dynamic ACF tags in background images of images in Bricks loops only work when the image is linked. Without link, the dynamic ACF tag in a background of an image in a Bricks loop doesn’t work. When the image is linked, it works. CRAZY

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thank you for the report, but I can not reproduce it locally. Would it be possible to record a detailed video of the issue?

Also, it’s possible to share URL of a page, where I can see the differences between the two?



Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve set up a demo instance and recorded a video of the error.
You don’t even need ACF fields - the bug already occurs if you only use any dynamic data tag as the background image and don’t add a link to the image.

You can find the demo page I’ve created in the video here: Dynamic Background Image of Image Loop Bug – WP Title

This is the video: https://bricksbug.dev.neo-wp.com/wp-content/uploads/bricks-bug-background-image-of-image.mp4


HI @johannesglaser,

thank you for the very detailed report. I was able to reproduce the bug and will add it to the bug tracker.

Best regards,


I’ve just figured out that if you add a custom tag - for example “figure” to the image, it should work. So maybe this can be a workaround while we are fixing this.

Best regards,

Thank you! I’m glad that the bug will be fixed and I have some good workaround for the meantime :+1:

Best regards!

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