WIP: Custom login page does not work with Sensei plugin

We created a login custom page with Login widget. This worked fine until we installed Sensei. Now, when users try to log, the loading icon shows up and nothing happens. This issue was reported by email and confirmed by Bricks support.

Looking forward to a soon solution.
Best regards

Hi Fernando,
Your report by e-mail is sufficient, as it has already been confirmed :slight_smile:

So there’s no need to report it once again in the forum. However, I’ll update this thread as soon as the issue is fixed :v:

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Hi there.
A long time has passed but we still see this issue. :confused:
Any advance about this?


The task is still in progress, but I’m not sure when the fix will be released. So sadly, this is all that I know.
Once we complete the task, we will update this forum post.

Thanks for understanding,