Since last week I started to clash with strange behaviors in the management of classes. Specifically with the copy and paste of styles.
The context
I’m working on the customization of the header template. I use Bricks together with ACSS and Frames.
I tried in vain to replicate the default classes of the I created new classes and used the class selector option to copy and paste the styles from the original classes to the new ones.
Result obtained
By unapplying the original classes the layout broke. Going to check the padding value attributed to the new classes visible in the Bricks editor there were no errors, but the preview shown in the editor was not consistent with the padding values shown in the editor.
When I asked the Frames system, the inspection of the frontend revealed that the padding values visible in the editor were not visible from the inspection.
Subsequently the Frames staff proposed an alternative way to achieve the goal. Use the paste function from the structure panel.
Unfortunately, the result was unstable, and forced me to repeat the procedure several times.
As of February 3, the behavior has changed again. The copy and paste procedure was successful except for one class at the layout level. In practice, every time I try to paste the values of the source class, I get the writing at the ID level. The values are not pasted into the class, only into the ID.
Today, another user who uses the same stack encountered the problem.
The stack components are updated to the latest available release: LocalWP, WP, Bricks, ACSS, Frame, WS Form, Rank Math, ACF pro, Code Snippes.
I am a beginner but I hope I have managed to expose the problem.
Video: Bricks_copy and past not work - TechSmith Screencast - TechSmith Screencast