SOLVED: Bricks slow database query

Bricks Version: 1.5.4
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: macOS

Hi - Bricks is running this query and it’s reported as a slow query. Anyone also faced this problem? How can I resolve/optimize this?

If we run the same query on phpmyadmin we get a very different result:

Showing rows 0 - 24 (1714 total, Query took 0.0002 seconds.)
SELECT DISTINCT(wp_postmeta.meta_key) FROM wp_postmeta WHERE 1;


Hey Harry,
We already have a ticket about the same issue :slight_smile:

I’ll update this thread as soon it’s solved.

Best regards,


Hi Timmse - do you know if this has been fixed in 1.5.5?

Hi Harry,
We’ve added a new setting in Bricks 1.5.5 that allows you to disable WordPress custom fields in the dynamic data dropdown. This can be useful for post meta heavy sites or any site that is not using WP custom fields, but ACF or Metabox, etc. instead, and should increase the query speed.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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