SOLVED: Body Global typography with Theme settings not working on Mobile

Bricks Version : 1.3.4
Browser : Chrome 93.0.4577.82
OS : macOS / Windows

Changing font sizes for global settings not working on mobile, assest optimization is on.

Hello @ichie76
Thank you for your report. I’m not able to reproduce this in version 1.3.4. Do you have a site URL where we could check or could you contact us through email?

What I did is setting theme styles ‘Body’ font-size on desktop by 20px, then setting font -size to 16px on tablet and mobile.

When asset optimization is on (CSS Loading Method - External), font-size is always on 20px. I turned it off, it became 16px.

Hi @ichie76,

i am not able to reproduce too. Have you tried to regenerate the css files “manually” and clear the cache?

yes tried it. but theme settings for mobile is not working

Hmm… works as expected, see:

i see. when i inspect, theres no font-size css for mobile showing when method is external. ill check again if this is my staging issue.

I just checked it again and there is a problem!

The “mobile font-size” is inserted into the post-xxx.min.css and not into theme-styles.min.css, so it works only on the post where the theme styles have been set but not globally @luistinygod, see:

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You can use a clamp function for your font size in theme styles until this is fixed like:

clamp(1.6rem, calc(1.6rem + ((1vw - 0.32rem) * 0.4167)), 2rem)

This will scale your body font-size fluidly from 16px on small screens up to 20px on larger screens.

Hello @timmse and @ichie76

We’ve been able to reproduce the issue with the Theme Styles > font-size (and other properties) for mobile breakpoints. This is under investigation and it will most probably be fixed in the coming release.

Thank you for reporting and for all the provided details. Very helpful!

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Hey Richmon,
quick update: this bug has been fixed in Bricks 1.3.5.

If you still have problems with it in later versions than 1.3.5, please leave us a note here :slight_smile:

Best regards,