SOLVED: 1.3.7 Beta - Variables/Units not working correctly

Bricks Version: 1.3.7 (beta)
Browser: Chrome 97.0.4692.71
OS: macOS

  • If I add variables it doesn’t seem to be adding them to the CSS correctly
  • If I also type in the number it addes -100rem to the units instead of just rem and -100 in the input


UPDATE 1: Bit more of an investigation added

UPDATE 2: Affects colours too

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@Deanphillips Don’t you have to set the option to ‘none’ and put the actual variable into the field where the value is? This is how its done in O anyway.

I was just about to test out automatic on my site, but haven’t just yet.

I did try that earlier @ocbroadband, and it doesn’t work neither (I don’t think it’s meant to work that way as Bricks listens to whether to type in rems, pxs etc

Little walkthrough:

@Deanphillips That’s rather odd. I would have thought ANY value you are assigning to the ‘field’ would be in the numeric location, not the type location. The type location is just for that, the type of value you are placing. Seems like a bug to me.

Confirming that the CSS Var no longer works for text sizes either.

Hi guys,

The negative value problem has already been reported multiple times and will be fixed in Bricks 1.3.7 stable. I’m not quite sure if the problem with the CSS vars, in general, is related to the negative margin problem. We’re investigating.

The problem with CSS vars and font-size is different because they won’t be generated at all.

I’ll keep you updated.

Best regards,

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The negative value problem has already been reported multiple times and will be fixed in Bricks 1.3.7 stable .

Awesome! Glad to hear that, thank you!

Just to clarify, the CSS variables is a confirmed bug and will be worked on for 1.3.7 stable?

Thanks as always Timmse :raised_hands:

Hi Dean,
yes, it will be fixed in 1.3.7 stable.

Hi Dean, this is fixed in Bricks 1.3.7 :love_you_gesture:

Hi @timmse,
In 1.4RC I have still issues entering variables in input fields:

  • If I select all text with CTRL-A or double-click and type ‘var(…)’, the ‘v’ just clears the input field and is ignored, and the resulting input is ‘ar(…)’.

  • If I select all and DELETE input first, then type ‘var(…)’, it is OK.

  • If I don’t select anything and type any letter in first position, input is cleared.

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Hi Yan,
we are aware of the issue - it’s already on the list but not yet fixed within 1.4RC.

My favorite thing with this bug is: alc(…) :sunglasses:

Best regards,