Where is the "--bricks-text-dark" colour variable defined?

I simply can’t find where is this colour variable defined, looked at the wordpress bricks backend, looked in the builder through the theme settings, and I simply can’t find where to change this value.

Help is much appreciated in advance!

It is present in these files in Bricks theme:

To override it on the front end, you could add this sample CSS in your child theme’s style.css or at Bricks → Settings → Custom code → Custom CSS or in the Customizer:

:root {
	--bricks-text-dark: #111;

To override it in the Bricks editor, add it at Bricks → Settings → Builder → Builder mode: custom. Builder Mode (Custom) – Bricks Academy

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Yeah, but you’re showing the end-product CSS files, and we’re trying to understand, which (theme?) setting defines the #212121 that ends up there.

(Comment updated after realizing my mistake).

As far as I know, these are not changeable via the interface.

Let’s wait for @timmse to confirm.

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My mistake, changing color under “Element - text” doesn’t update the bricks-text-medium variable value. I must have been tired and my brain saw something that wasn’t there. Deleted my first response and edited the second one, so they don’t waste somebody’s time and don’t misinform them.

Looks like both bricks-text-medium and bricks-text-dark which seem to be default for normal text and headings respectively, are both hard-coded into Bricks and can’t be set with current settings.

Thanks Sridhar for clarifying!
It seemed weird to me that the default text colour was this dark shade of gray and not standard ol’ black. I understand it’s more fancy, but to not have a default way to change this without requiring to go into code feels like something is missing :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

is correct. They are not related to any setting in the builder, neither in the Theme Styles, nor elsewhere. But you can override them, as @Sridhar already mentioned in a couple of places using :root { … }

  1. Bricks » Settings » Custom CSS
  2. In your custom Stylesheet
  3. In Bricks 1.5 stable (coming soon) in the elements custom CSS, Page CSS…

By the way, in Bricks 1.5 stable, we will remove the default color from the headings, so they can be much easier overridden via the text-color on the wrapper, which is currently not possible.

–bricks-text-medium is, afaik, only used in the builder itself.

Best regards,