WAIT: The reset filters element is hidden with a delay

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool: jam.dev)

Hello bricks team

When the Hide if no active filter option is enabled in the Filter - Submit / Reset element, when we click on it in the front end, it will be hidden once the Ajax process is complete.
While it is expected to hide immediately after clicking on it, like the jet smart filters plugin.

Hey @Victor1999,

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I understand correctly. Can you record a quick video with a voice, explaining what you mean?

Thank you,

Hi @Matej,

Unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to record a video, but I’ll explain it step by step because it’s very easy to achieve.

1- Use the Filter - Submit / Reset element and select the Reset Action for it. Also enable the Hide if no active filter option in it.

2- On the frontend, when you activate a filter, click the reset filter button. After resetting the filters, the reset button is hidden after ajax end, while it is expected to be hidden after ajax start.

Ah, I see.

Why do you think it’s better to remove it immediately, not only after Ajax is completed? The button gets disabled while the AJAX call is in progress, so it gives the user the feedback it needs. At least that’s my though.

I also moved the topic to the Feature Requests / Improvements , as it’s not really a bug, but more of an improvement request.

Best regards,

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