DUPLICATE: Style change on mobile breakpoint propagating upwards to higher breakpoints

Bricks Version: 1.5.7
Browser: Safari 15.6
OS: macOS
URL: Bricks trial site

I have added one custom breakpoint (tablet landscape below Desktop) and tweaked the mobile landscape and mobile portrait widths but still have Desktop as the base breakpoint.
I have a button that has 2rem of padding on all sides set on the base breakpoint which propagated all the way down to mobile portrait.
I then changed the mobile portrait breakpoint to have 1rem of padding all the way round the button and this change propagated all the way up to the tablet landscape breakpoint.
This means I then have to add the 2rem padding to each breakpoint between the end two breakpoints to correct.
I can understand this behaviour if I had the mobile portrait breakpoint set as base but I don’t.

Hi Simon,
Thanks so much for your report!

You have entered “Bricks trial site” as the URL. Do you mean https://try.bricksbuilder.io?
If so, https://try.bricksbuilder.io still runs on Bricks 1.5.7.

If not: with Bricks 1.6 Beta 2 I cannot reproduce the problem :thinking:

Best regards,

Hi timmse,

You’re right, it is 1.5.7. I spun up a local install with Bricks and tested on beta2 and couldn’t reproduce either.


All right, good to know :slight_smile:
I’ll close this thread since it is a duplicate of this report and has already been solved (in 1.6 Beta).

Best regards,