WAIT: Some CSS doesn't work in 1.6 beta using WP-Optimize Minify

Tried that just now. It won’t detect the fonts I uploaded to wp-content/fonts…


It needs to be wp-content/uploads/fonts.

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Oh man I’m a moron. Or I need sleep. Or both. Sorry for wasting your time, of course it needed to be /uploads! It works like a charm. Thanks so much for introducing me to Matthias’ work, this is great.

Now I’m back to where the body font won’t load, but the heading font does. Same phenomenon as in my post from yesterday. WAIT: Some CSS doesn't work in 1.6 beta using WP-Optimize Minify - #14 by mr.matt.eastwood

Thanks again, still hoping for a solution with WP-Optimize enabled :slight_smile:

Hey Matt,
Please send us access data for a simple test installation (+ link to this thread) to help@bricksbuilder.io, where you have installed the fonts via Bricks and the only plugin installed is WP Optimize.

I’m glad you were able to solve the WP Amelia problem.

Best regards,

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Done. E-mail sent. Might land in your spam folder cos it comes from my personal domain. Thanks!