WAIT: Search element, 404 error for second language result page (Polylang)

The issue is still present with 1.9.5. I see there were changes made to the template but unfortunately not at all for the Polylang issue.

I still need to modify the template like I described above… For some reason executing a search on the secondary /en/ language on the shop page leads to a 404 because the result page sets /home-en/, which is the url slug for the English homepage, in the url path.
Being in

example.com/en/shop/ → leads to search result → example.com/en/home-en/?s=searchterm
The correct path that shows the result is:

This is not the case for the other /en/ language pages where (with my fix) the search results work.

Don’t know how that might help but here are the settings:

//EDIT: Ok, I need to correct my statement. I tested the stock 1.9.5 searchform.php and the issue is present but only for the shop page of the secondary language. I guess here it gets complicated.
There are to shop pages for each language. Both have the same slug “shop”. And since the shop archive page works different to how Elementor does it I needed to create shop archive templates for each language… So there seems to be an issue for the search result page and what the parent slug is for the secondary language shop page. The search query seems to think it must add /home-en/ to the url which is never showed according to the Polylang settings. Again this issue is not present for other translated pages for some reason.

//EDIT2: Well, I have spotted that the search element has an action url field now. I entered the secondary language parent url in it and now the search resuls work without modifying the template. So the issue is fixed. To be honest a simple solution for a complex problem. Intuitively I must have thought as the issue appeared that Bricks acknowledge the home urls for each language by itself and there would be no need to modify the Action URL parameter.