WAIT: Imported Header Template not visible in template builder

Bricks Version: 1.6 beta
Browser: Edge
OS: Win11

I’ve imported a header template from another website. In the template builder, only the structure in the right panel is visible, but nothing in the canvas. On the frontend, the header is visible, too.

Returning to Bricks 1.57 solves the issue.

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Welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for your report!

Can you provide me with the template export file, so that I can possibly identify the problem?
You can send me a dropbox, onedrive, … link via direct message.

Best regards,


I answered via DM.

Best regards

Thanks for the template!
Does the problem occur with every template or only with the (very simple) header template?

For me, the elements (there are only 4) are displayed:

They are unstyled because I don’t have the oxyprops styles (and I replaced the logo).

I can’t say because until now it’s my first and only header import :wink:

Please test it so that we can rule out a general problem. As I said, it works for me without any problems.