WAIT: Conditional logic show/hide error And-or logic


I think it is not same. I have more step conditional logi. Maybe the problem is there. Please test is.

So, again.

I make cutsom login / sign-up / My-account site page. This is only one page, but conditional logic i use it multipurpose.

Why i have to make this?
Because Bricks doesnt has any “Are you lost your password” solution, so i have to use the “my account” shortcode (because bricks doesnt have too it).

My conditional logis.

If you not login, you can only see the two form.
If you logged in, you can only see the my-account woocommerce dashboard.

If you NOT logged in, but click to “lost password” dynamically show the “my-account” woocommerce dashboard, becaut it will be only show the “add your email or user name and click to reset password” state.
It is has to working, because when you click the lost password, (default in /my-account/ page) it reload the page and the url will be /my-account/lost-password.