WIP: Strange CSS rules override custom CSS for buttons inside the builder

Bricks version: 1.5.7

Hi team,

My custom CSS for outline buttons is overriden by strange CSS rules inside the builder, though it is OK on frontend.
The rules begin with “:root”, which looks odd to me, but maybe I’m missing something…

They are affecting light and dark outline buttons by forcing the non outline colors defined in theme settings.

Here is a screenshot showing the light version CSS issue in the inspector, but it is the same with dark, as you can see on the canvas.

On frontend everything is OK because the rule doesn’t override, though!


I can’t help insisting again on a global rewriting of buttons colors (and other settings), it is so messed up :frowning:


Hi Yan,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue using Bricks 1.6 Beta 2. Would you be so kind as to test it again using the current beta version? If it still doesn’t work, where did you define your custom CSS?

Best regards,

Yes, same in 1.6beta2 :frowning:

For instance, if you set a bg color for primary button in theme settings, the faulty rule appears, overriding outline style.


By the way there’s still a real mess between theme colors and button colors/styles, and all this is very confusing.
Theme colors were supposed to be removed, I don’t understand why this has not been adressed yet.

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I’m with you here @yankiara…this drives me nuts

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Is there anybody out there?

Updated clients sites to 1.6 and all buttons are broken now :frowning:
Even on frontend, the rule overrides!
And all button defaults settings are gone.

This is not bearable, you have to do something about buttons.
Lost again so many hours fixing.

Bricks is not reliable and unsuable for clients sites, I’m so disappointed.

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yes i really hope we will see a fix for this soon. not writing more or it get shutdown again…

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Hi Yan,
Thank you for your patience.

You’re right, with 1.6 the “strange rule” applies even on front end, making the “outline” setting not work. We’re on it.

Best regards,

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Thx and sorry for being so insistant sometimes!
But it’s all for Bricks good :pray:

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