NO BUG: Trouble With Post Filters

Bricks: 15.4
The Posts Filters and Post Pagination are not cooperating

  • When I move to the next page of a selected filter item, Filters moves back to “All.”

  • The pagination seems to be keyed to the placement of the items in the “All” display. If I select a Filter where the items are near the end of the set, the display for page 1 is blank, 2 has the first several blanked, then the requested Filter items start to show up, then 3 has the rest of them.

Hi Jim,
Welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for your report!

The Posts filter only works for the posts on the page and not alongside/across the pagination.
It isn’t a query itself, it simply looks if there are posts with a .category class in the current markup:

So this is not a bug.

Best regards,

Hey, thanks, I understand what you’re saying. But… This is an untenable presentation to the website user. Anywhere I’ve seen filters, they may sometimes display a count of the number of items in the dataset alongside the filter selection button. Then when I select the filter, it seems to requery the data for a display of those items, gives the pagination of the resulting filter set, and fills the screen with that data.

If I may quote Istope: " Isotope can hide and show item elements with the filter option. Items that match that filter will be shown. Items that do not match will be hidden." When it says “items” I would take that to mean all items, not just those showing in the current “All” screen!

Please give me one example of a live website with a Post that:

  • Has more data than can be displayed
  • Has a filter that would select data that isn’t showing on the current page
  • Only shows the subset of filtered data showing on the page that was current when selected.

As implemented the Posts Filter is useless to me.

Not addressed was the fact that when I use pagination in a filter set, the display switches back to “All.”

Hey Jim,
As I said: the isotope filter can show or hide elements currently on the page. Usually, this is used, e.g., for portfolio pages (the number of posts is -1, i.e., all posts are displayed). Accordingly, the filter is not intended to be used together with pagination.

If you need more functionality, you can use an appropriate filter plugin.

Best regards,

Hi timmse, sorry to be a nuisance about this issue. But I am rather sure the design or implementation of Bricks filters is wrong. Take a look at Isotope’s demo pages you’ll not see the action that Bricks generates. I do understand your “The Posts filter only works for the posts on the page and not alongside/across the pagination.
It isn’t a query itself, it simply looks if there are posts with a .category class in the current markup” but I think it is a bizarre design.

Here is a demo built with raw Bricks on WordPress. No plugins, nothing but 7 posts and one page. Bricks Demo of Post Filter

The point I’m trying to get across is that if my client had hundreds of category A, B, and C posts and one lonely D somewhere at random in all those posts, they are expected by Bricks to page through each post archive page looking for one or more D’s that are there. This is ridiculous.

I am looking for Filter plugins for Bricks, but I think it is sad that I should have to find an external mechanism to cover up what Bricks claims to support.


there are some plugins that converts the gutenberg blocks to shortcode.

so just find a good plugin that creates nice filter and grid solution and convert it to shortcode and use it on bricks with shortcode block.
i use this method for loooooooots of problem solving on elementor aswell :slight_smile:

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Where do they say that full filtering is available? It is something that is on the roadmap Roadmap – Bricks

At the moment you need to use something like WpGridbuilder or FacetWp.


I agree this is absurd and shouldn’t be marked as “Solved” — its unusable.

This isn’t a bug. It is a limitation of the Isotope JS library. It is a basic filter for a single page of posts, and not a full fledged filter/facet system. As seen in this thread and others, there are some third party plugins with this functionality that are compatible with Bricks. Also a fuller implementation is on the idea board. Their current implementation of filters is working exactly as Isotope JS designed it to work. So as said already, this is not a bug, just a limitation of the basic filtering system implemented.


Thanks much! I didn’t know about it being on the roadmap. I could have searched there and avoided all my angst.

Not sure if this is what you are trying but I’ve installed the Filter Everything plugin and it looks great.
Although I’m not able to make it work but I think i’s me.
I have a post on this

and a tutorial:

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