SOLVED: SVG icon in social sharing element fill and padding

Browser: Chrome 120
OS: Windows

Using the svg icon in the social sharing element has two bugs.

1- In svg settings, fill color doesn’t work. And it does not change color.

2- If we use the svg icon in this element, it will not be possible to use the padding control in the advanced tab and it will hide the icon.

In general, there is a conflict between the size of the SVG icon and the padding in the advanced tab. However, if we use an icon with a format other than SVG, there will be no problem.

Hi Jolia,
Thanks so much for your report!

  1. The fill color works fine for me, as long as I disable the brand colors (which might override the set fill color) and the SVG is properly prepared (no inline styles, which might override the set fill color too).

  2. That’s probably due to the SVG is allowed to shrink. You can workaround that by adding
    %root% svg { flex-shrink: 0; }. If necessary, you must unset/change the default width and the height, too.

Best regards,

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Hi Jolia,
We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.6, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.9.6 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,