SOLVED: Some issues in bricks popup settings

Browser: Chrome 127.0.6533.120
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

1- Setting Indicators are not displayed in popup settings. In fact, it is not displayed on the breakpoint icons. (This feature was introduced in version 1.8)

2- In popup settings, inheriting values ​​in padding and margin controls works in reverse. In the popup settings, set the desired margin or padding at the mobile padding break point and then return to the default (desktop) mode. Then you will see that mobile values ​​are displayed as placeholders.
For example, as per the screenshot below, I have set 20px of padding from the right and left at the mobile breakpoint. But on the desktop, those values ​​can be seen as placeholders.


thank you for your reports.

Now, for the first one, it’s not a bug, because indicators are there to show if something has changed on ID or class level, not template settings.

I can replicate the second one thoug and I will add it to the internal bug tracker.

Thanks and best regards,

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