SOLVED IN 1.4: Icon List Typography

Bricks Version: 1.4.0(RC2)
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.

I changed the text’s colour and font-weight, but it didn’t work.

I checked the theme setting, but I didn’t find the option. Not sure if it’s a bug?


[Please describe in as much detail as possible how we can replicate this bug]

Hi Jornes,
Thank you very much for your report.

The issue is related to this bug: WIP: 1.4RC2: Values with brackets (var, clamp, calc, etc.) in Input fields break styles If you use a regular font size, it works.

The color needs to be set in the dedicated color picker right inside the field, which makes it more flexible.

Best regards,

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Hey @timmse

I choose the colour from the colour picker. But it’s not working.

Then, the font size is working, but the font-weight is not working.

Ah sorry, I see.
I’ve added it to the bug tracker :v:

Best regards,

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