Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
Hey All, I"m having an issue with the Styles a popup with using AJAX Loader since the 1.11 update. On inspection I can see content & Builder styles are loaded now loaded into an Popup as follows:
<div class="brx-popup">
<div class="brx-popup-content">
<div class="brxe-ydyqqs"> /* Where brxe-ydyqqs is the element id */
/* BREAKPOINT: Mobile portrait (BASE) */
.brx-popup.brxe-ydyqqs {margin-top: 80px}
However, this doesn’t render the Styles as .brxe-ydyqqs [element ID] is a child of brx-popup-content, not brx-popup.
Solution would be to load styles as
.brx-popup-content.brxe-ydyqqs {margin-top: 80px}
or .brx-popup .brxe-ydyqqs
Any suggestions here would be helpful. Thanks