Slider js library and instantiation

I want to be able to create a button anywhere on the page, that when clicked, makes the slider go to slide(N).
As far as I can tell, Bricks uses Swiper.js - is this right?
In which case I should have swiper.slideTo(n) available?
But I cannot get it to work. Can anyone tell me how the slider is called - and so what name I need to call it?
I’ve tried:
Which leads to “Swiper.slideTo is not a function”

Which gives: “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘slideTo’)”


And about 1,000 variations. I’m stupid, and have no idea how to find the right call. Anyone on the dev team able to tell me how this

const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', {

Is formatted in Bricks, and so what ‘swiper’ I can call - or how to format this tiny snippet?

let btn = document.getElementById("btn10");
    btn.addEventListener('click', event => {

Sorry the terminology is probably garbage - I am not a JS man.

So it seems I’m not fashionable or something as neither of my questions got an answer. But the same question was answer a day later… so if anyone finds this:

This does it. For the swiper - you can go to next slide with this:
Change yxpugq - the the id not of the container or slider itself but a data tag (devtools to find it ) set as data-script-id attribute on the slider.
I’m off now to study how to ask meaningful questions…

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