Element settings: How to search sub settings (text-align, etc.)

Bricks Version: 1.3.2
Browser: Safari 15.0
OS: macOS 12.0

I noticed that the Search function inside of an element doesn’t necessarily find everything that it should.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Open Bricks Builder and drag the Heading element to the page
  2. In the Heading element, use the Search function for “align”
  3. Notice that it brings up a couple of results but is missing the “Text Align” one for the element

PS - I tried to upload two screenshots but it forbids me from uploading more than one image as a “new user” in the forum. :frowning:

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Bricks Version : 1.3.2
Browser : Brave 1.27.108
OS : macOS 11.4

Confimed :left_speech_bubble:

And welcome to the forum! :sparkling_heart:

Thank you @d19dotca for reporting it.
It won’t be easy to make the typography settings available on search by the name of the sub-setting. In this case, search for “typ”. All the typography settings will show up.

This is still a bug though, correct?

I’d expect as a user to find things like “Text Align” no different than how I can find “Align (layout)” using the search functionality. It seems that nearly all (if not all) of the typography sub-settings aren’t searchable but all the other sub-settings are for other categories. Is that really intentional? I can’t imagine it would be intentional.

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Hello @d19dotca

This is something we’ll need to improve: include the typography sub-settings in the settings search. But as said before, it won’t be easy to fix.

Hi @luistinygod,

It’s been 10 months and the issue still remains even in 1.4 RC2. Hoping this could be fixed soon for maybe the next release after 1.4?

IMO it’s a defect (expectations of a user would be to find any and all relevant results when typing the keyword used for it in the search bar dedicated to finding all related settings), even though it may technically be more of an ‘improvement’ instead of a ‘bug’ from a developer perspective.

Hey @d19dotca

Thank you for your reply. We are aware of this issue and we’ll add a solution to this in one of the coming Bricks releases 1.4.x, probably alongside the Nested Elements feature.

@timmse - This one seems to have been overlooked, as it’s over a year old now. Is it possible to review this again? I am still running into this UX issue where searching for typography properties won’t come up unless searching on “typ” instead.

Hi Dustin,

after consultation with the developers, the settings search only looks for control labels, but not for sub-settings. As Luis also mentioned, this becomes very complex and accordingly very time-consuming at the latest with repeaters and the like, which is why we decided not to change anything about the search behavior.

Since you know the limits and how it works, you should be able to adjust your search behavior accordingly :v:

I’m not quite sure what that means exactly, do you mind clarifying? I see sub-settings if I search for things like “z-index” or “background color”, so why not “font size” for example?

This seems like a defect to me still, it’s not clear why properties under the Typography header aren’t searched when all the others are searchable.

@d19dotca The “font-size”, “font-weight”, etc., is a sub-setting of the “Typography” control.

The search is performed by searching the labels & underlying setting keys of those top-level settings (as Stefan already mentioned). Exporting a template with those settings and inspecting the JSON file, might also illustrate that.

We won’t get into querying deeper nested structures for the search, as it gets very messy quickly with repeaters, etc., and focus our efforts on features with a bigger impact. Moving on :muscle:

Hi @Thomas,

My apologies if I’m being obtuse. I guess what I’m not understanding is why searching something like “width” (which works) is treated differently than “line height” (which doesn’t work). I understand and agree that Line Height is underneath the Typography control heading, but Width for example is under Layout control heading… why is one treated differently than the other? I’m not entirely sure what Repeaters has to do with searching for a property in an element, so maybe I’m missing something more fundamental here.

Just trying to understand the reasoning, sorry if I’m just dumb. :sweat_smile:

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