Restore from backup and http:// settings

Hi… Whenever I restore a backup from managewp, the wordpress and site addresses switch to http:// and the page is unformatted. Once I change them to https, it’s fixed. But I’m wondering what might be going on…

if possible use wpvivid to create backup
it solves this url issues automaticly with restore

or you can go into db to fix that wp_options table (if there are more http links as string in the site you will need to make search and replace plugin too)

I’m new to pagebuilders and this never happened before. Given that I use managewp, I’ll have to edit wp_options (or change in admin settings) with every restore?

oh boy

I never used managewp sadly I cant say anything about it sorry.
maybe try google or managewp support channels? maybe they have simple solutions for this.

On the agency I am using wpvivid all the time. Even with free version it solves all the basic needs for me.

OK, thanks for your help!