SOLVED: Remove Font Awesome, Ionicons & Themify CSS

I only use my own SVGs for icons and never use the Icon-loaded fonts. The Bricks “frontend.min.css” file is currently 228KB. I removed all the “.fa-”, “.ion-” & “.ti-” classes and file size went down to 94KB.

Is there a filter that can remove all the Icon fonts?


Are you using this?
Asset Loading Optimization – Bricks Academy (

Frontend file only loads 40KB css using above for me.


I’ve tried using the External files, but the site will be updated regularly and I’m not sure how often I’ll have to regenerate the CSS. And yes, the icon CSS is removed.

So I’ve been using the Inline styles, which looks easier to maintain.

As far as I know regenerating external CSS files is needed only once unless you import templates from a different site. I could be mistaken though. Need to test…

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Each version seems to require regeneration too (recommended in the admin banner when you upgraded to 1.4 for example), but I’m hoping they’ll consider just auto-regenerating the external CSS files too during such events.


I want this as well! Loading unsued css libraries seems like a waste of data.

@philipp Icon library CSS files are only loaded when needed (i.e. you’ve selected a Font Awesome icon, etc.). If that’s not the case with your setup, please let us know via, so that we can investigate further.